(2018) 2 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 24–34
Title of the article Prevention of Law Enforcement Mistakes in Interpretation of Evaluative Terms
PhD in Law, associate professor, criminal and legal disciplines department, Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Lviv, Ukraine, rybalkovolodymyr@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 2
Pages [24–34]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract Evaluative terms complicate the interpretation of legal norms and hide the danger of subjectivism. The causes impeding the uniform application of criminal procedure rules are abuses related to personal interest in the outcome of the case, and errors – due to improper qualifications of a crime.
The purpose of the article is to highlight the causes of law enforcement mistakes and difficulties in interpreting evaluative terms to prevent them.
It is noted that among the reasons for law enforcement mistakes and difficulties in interpreting evaluative terms introduced into criminal procedure Provisions, there are objective and subjective ones. The objective reasons include the imperfection of the legal regulation and the absence in the criminal procedure law of the criteria for interpreting evaluative terms. In turn, the subjective reason is the insufficient level of professional training of the law enforcement officers to use the evaluative terms of the criminal procedure law. Today there is a need for a thorough audit of the lexical reserves of current legislation. It is necessary to take into account synonyms denoting a certain concept, as well as to unify them, analyze words from the point of view of traditions, stability in legal language, limitation of their use so that the law enforcer does not waste time finding out the nuances of the meaning of certain words. Directions to ensure the correct and uniform interpretation of evaluative terms of criminal procedure law in law enforcement practice, to prevent and eliminate errors of their interpretation can be the implementation of legislative measures and activities that contribute to the formation of legal awareness of future law enforcement officers as a necessary condition for the correct interpretation of evaluative terms and the development of professionally important qualities in course of their studies.
It is noted the need to supplement the program on criminal procedure with the topic “Evaluative terms of the criminal procedure law”, which would provide such questions as: “The concept and types of evaluative terms of the criminal procedure law”; “The value and role of evaluative terms in the criminal procedure law”; “Features of interpretation of evaluative terms”; “Mistakes in the interpretation of evaluative terms and ways to eliminate them”.
Keywords evaluative terms; the interpretation of criminal procedure provisions; law enforcement mistakes.
List of legal documents
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Authored books
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Edited books
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Thesis abstracts
11. Vasyliaka D, ‘Zastosuvannia otsinochnykh poniat ta terminiv u kryminalnomu protsesi Ukrainy’ [‘Application of Evaluative Concepts and Terms in the Criminal Process of Ukraine’] (avtoref dys kand yuryd nauk, Klasychnyi pryvatnyi unіversytet 2011) 20 (in Ukrainian).